2016 Favorite Moments

2016 Favorite Moments | www.rtwgirl.com

Damn! Can you believe it’s already January 2017? I can’t believe how fast the year went. 2016 was indeed a crazy year but of course, with every year I have my favorite moments. It’s always hard to pick my favorites but these ones are definitely in the memory books. I didn’t put them in any particular order but they are in sequence according to when they happened. I didn’t travel as much for most of the year other than a trip to BC wine country, Georgia (state), and then to Spain and Morocco in the fall through almost the end of the year. I also took a very needed and extended break from blogging. But now…I’m back!

2016 Favorite Moments!

Dog sledding at Sunpeaks in BC, Canada

Dog Sledding at Sunpeaks 2016 | www.rtwgirl.com

I’m a sucker for dogs. I don’t have one but I pretty much adopt any and all dogs in my vicinity. So when the opportunity to go dog sledding when I was at Sunpeaks in 2016, I definitely said YESSSSSS!

Dog Sledding at Sunpeaks 2016 | www.rtwgirl.comOf course, I cuddled all the puppies. I wanted to take them home!

Visited A New State – Georgia

I tend to stick to the coasts but definitely want to visit more of the United States. When an invitation to visit Georgia came up in April, I said yes y’alllllll! New cities and new state for 2016!

Atlanta Georgia 2016 | www.rtwgirl.comOn the Beltline in Atlanta

Tallulah Gorge Georgia 2016 | www.rtwgirl.com

At Tallulah Gorge in the NE Georgia. Photo credit: Alan Maxcy Photography

More San Diego Happened

I spent most of the year in San Diego. I moved here 10 years ago and when I’m not traveling this is where I usually am. I tried LA for about a year and a half and it wasn’t my scene so now I’m back here. I move around and I am sure I will again but for now, this is home. I tried to explore more of the city but I definitely need to do a better job. That’s my goal for 2017!

Self Realization Center | www.rtwgirl.com

Self-Realizing in Encinitas

Windansea La Jolla | www.rtwgirl.com

La Jolla vibes at Windansea. Photo credit: Ordinary Traveler

Dear Madrid, I Love You

I had the opportunity to spend an extended period in Madrid. At first, it was to be the jumping-off point for my travels to Morocco and around Europe but then I just stayed and fell in love with the city. I did also visit places nearby (see below) but Madrid was my home for several months in the latter quarter of 2016

Caixa Forum Madrid | www.rtwgirl.com

At Caixa Forum Madrid. 40 degrees and melting in this photo

Madrid Arganzuela Footbridge | www.rtwgirl.com

Finding cool local spots like the Arganzuela Footbridge

South of Spain

My brother and I drove to the south of Spain from Madrid. We drove for most of day 1 and then spent the next day exploring some of the city’s famous landmarks. I wish I had more time because I barely scratched the surface. I am definitely going back!!

Sevilla Alcazar | www.rtwgirl.com

Exploring the Alcazar of Seville

Plaza de Espana Sevilla | www.rtwgirl.com

At Plaza Espana in Seville

Algeciras | www.rtwgirl.com

In Algeciras looking towards Africa


Oh, Morocco….how I love thee. My brother and I took the ferry from the south of Spain across the Strait of Gibraltar to Morocco. We rented a car and then proceeded to road trip around the country. It was epic!! I have a million photos but here is a handful.

Hassan 2 Mosque Casablanca | www.rtwgirl.com

At Hassan 2 Mosque in Casablanca

Shopping in Marrakech | www.rtwgirl.com

All that glitters! Shopping in Marrakech

Carpet shopping in Essouira | www.rtwgirl.com

We started a new rap group called Magic Carpet in Essaouira

Camping in the Sahara Desert | www.rtwgirl.com

A face of someone who just climbed a tall ass sand dune in the Sahara Desert!

Chefchaouen | www.rtwgirl.com

Getting the blues in Chefchaouen

More Spain!

After Morocco, I went back to Madrid and did a lot of day trips close by to places like Toledo (again), Segovia, Aranjuez, El Escorial, and Patones de Arriba.

Segovia Cathedral | www.rtwgirl.com

In front of the Segovia Cathedral

DJ And Me | www.rtwgirl.com

I finally met DJ from Dream Euro Trip!! I love him!

Patones De Arriba| www.rtwgirl.com

At Patones de Arriba. Love this place sooooo much


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